News & Topics

UPBEAT Elementary School(小学部)の運動会を振り返って

■How can I say? Place you're in and where you work. Yes. So hello, my name is Sierra Pratt and I am the vice manager here at the elementa ...

Information of 2024 Summer Course

Applications for the Summer Course 2024 are now open! If you would like to participate, please check the details below and register by th ...

UPBEAT International School Nagoya District Campus Sports Day

"Team Work Makes the Dream Work.” That’s what a collection of banners spell out as they peer across an assortment of tents, equipment, cheer ...

UPBEAT International School Tempaku Campus Sports Day

On Saturday, May 25th, UPBEAT International School Tempaku Campus held its Sports Day. We interviewed Anna, a nursery teacher who has b ...

2025 UPBEAT International School – Elementary Open School ...

We would like to thank you for your interest in becoming a member of UPBEAT International School-Elementary. We are going to start distribut ...


Japanese Lesson With Childcare Kids:5year-old and above Adults:at any age Monday&Wednesday(3PM-6PM) UPBEATInternationalSchool-Elementa ...

International Women’s Day

    International Women's Day, celebrated on March 8th each year, is symbolized by various icons and representations. One of  ...

2023-2024 UPBEAT Spring Course

2023-2024 UPBEAT Spring Course Details and how to apply. Apply here  ...

Full of 2023 UPBEAT Christmas Memories

A magical atmosphere prevailed at Upbeat, casting a spell that touched the hearts of all who walked through its doors. As the festive month ...

UPBEAT英語学童保育 2024年度保護者説明会

UPBEAT英語学童保育 2024年度保護者説明会 UPBEAT Boys and Girls Club (天白区島田が丘301) UPBEAT Boys and Girls Club East (同住所) 【対象】 英語学童保育にご興味のある近郊の小学1~6年生保護 ...

2-3-18 Hachiban Atsuta, Nagoya, Aichi

1-5-1 Yoshimoto-cho, Nakagawa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi

201, Shimadagaoka, Tempaku, Nagoya, Aichi

301, Shimadagaoka, Tempaku, Nagoya, Aichi